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Chameleon Restaurant Chef Impresses Judges

Chameleon Restaurant Chef Impresses Judges

Paul Limacher Wins Premier Master of Fine Cuisine Award

Wellington, New Zealand - Chef de Cuisine Paul Limacher of the Chameleon Restaurant at the InterContinental Hotel Wellington has impressed judges at the Premier Master of Fine Cuisine Awards, winning the award for Best Beef and Best Metropolitan.

Limacher, a former winner of the Silver Fern Farms Restaurant Awards, is known for his innovative and creative cuisine. His award-winning dishes included a beef medallion with Horowhenua parsnips, Parkvale mushrooms, and wasabi mayonnaise.

The judges praised Limacher's "exceptional technical skills and use of fresh, local ingredients." They also noted his "ability to create dishes that are both visually stunning and delicious."

Limacher said he was honored to receive the awards and that he was grateful for the support of his team and the InterContinental Hotel Wellington.

"This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone at the Chameleon Restaurant," Limacher said. "We are committed to providing our guests with an exceptional dining experience."
